"Doctor is nothing but a soul's soother." (Petronius)

doctor Marcelli in a session of acupunture

Stefano Marcelli toke his degree in medicine & surgery at his 23rd year cum laude at Bologna's University

is specialized in clinical psycology cum laude

chinese stamp on rice-paperhe is a trainer of mesotherapy, acupuncture and auricolopuncture in Italy, France and China

he is a member of "Société Française de Mésothérapie" and "Italian Society of Acupuncture"

since 1986 he practices as a MD in Darfo Boario Terme (Brescia, Italy), via Caravaggio, 7 - tel. +39(0)364.530070


medicine-books (All in italian language)

in 1990 Stefano Marcelli publishes the Manuale di Mesoterapia, an handbook signed with Jean-Pierre Multedo, a french collegue, his trainer and teacher of the "Société Française de Mésothérapie", by Minerva Medica (two editions in 6 years). Since 1990 dr. Marcelli is a member of 

Click on the blue link to go to SFM

The Manuale of Mesoterapia is one of the basic text in Italy to learn the  technic, where the  "nappage" has gotten important changements by the authors to raise its effectiveness. The book has received the approval with personal compliments of dr Michel Pistor, founder of Mesoterapy. 


In 1993 went out Medicine Parallele, un registry of natural therapy for 150 diseases, by Edizioni Libreria Cortina. 

Of 1994 is the  best-seller Agopuntura in tasca, published by Nuova IPSA Editore (three reprints).


In 1995 were published two new books:

Il Test dei punti attivi, che espone un nuovo e semplice metodo clinico per individuare con maggior precisione le zone e i punti terapeutici più efficaci da trattare con agopuntura, shatzu o altre tecniche riflessoterapiche, delle Edizioni Libreria Cortina. 

Libretto Giallo contiene istruzioni per morire sani, Erga edizioni, un manuale di igiene e terapia naturale, scaricabile gratuitamente dal sito di LiberLiber. Clicca sul logo qui sotto:


LiberLiber. Biblioteca.

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I libri di Marcelli Stefano



home | English | français | scherzetto | biografia | medico | agopuntura | mesoterapia I narratore I il dio femmina stuprato nel bosco | copertina e trama del dio femmina | recensioni | cerambice e foglia dell' arcidiavolo | antonello scarsi | la fanciulla che non voleva ingoiare il rospo | hei hai hou wà | mamma, devo confessarti una cosa | la mia famiglia e altri animali | gabriel | francesca | agospago & trippone | il mio editore | la vecchia corriera dei f.lli Pedretti | e-mail

in 1993 follows Parallel Medicines, a handbook of natural therapy for 150 diseases, by Edizioni Libreria Cortina.

1994 is the best-seller Acupuncture in the pocket, by Nuova IPSA Editore (two editions in 2 years) .

in 1995 arrive:

The Active Points Test, a book showing a new and simple clinical method to characterize with precision the more effective zones and terapeutic points, Edizioni Libreria Cortina, and

Yellow booklet contains instructions to heal die, a natural hygien and therapy's handbook, also avalaible free online on the LiberLiber's site. Click on the logo below:

LiberLiber. Biblioteca.

Purchase via Internet the novel or other Marcelli's italian books click on the logo below:

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