Albert of Brandenburg
Cardinal and Elector of the Holy Roman Empire, born 28
June, 1490; died 24 September, 1545. As early as 1509 he was Prebendary in the
Cathedral of Mainz; Archbishop of Magdeburg and Administrator of Halberstadt
from 1513; Archbishop of Mainz from 1514; Cardinal-Priest from 1518. The
Indulgence issued by Leo X in 1514 for the building of the new St. Peter's in
Rome, was entrusted to Albert (1517) for publication in Saxony and Brandenburg,
This commission has been made by D'Aubigné and others the ground of many
accusations against Albert and Leo X, as though they had used the Indulgence as
a means of enriching themselves personally, "dividing beforehand the spoils
of the credulous souls of Germany" (D'Aubigné, History of the Reformation).
Albert employed Tetzel for the actual preaching of the Indulgence and furnished
him a book of instructions: "Instructio summaria ad Subcommissarios
Poenitentiarum et Confessores." Later, Martin
Luther addressed a letter of protest to Albert concerning the conduct of
Tetzel, found fault with the Bishop's book of instructions, and asked him to
suppress it. Luther's
charges are altogether groundless; the instructions of Albert to the preachers
are both wise and edifying. Luther's
letter was disregarded. Though many of the accusations against Albert's morals
were, doubtless, false, Luther
was probably justified in thinking that he would find in Albert a strong
partisan. The young bishop was somewhat worldly-minded, extravagant, better
trained in humanistic studies than in theology, too much given to the patronage
of learned men and artists. His long intimacy with Ulrich von Hutten is
especially reprehensible. Leo X was obliged to send an admonition to Mainz
because so many books hostile to the Faith were being published under the
Bishop's eye. In later life Albert changed his conduct. In his diocese
celebrated defenders of Catholicism were engaged; at Speyer and Ratisbon he met
Blessed Peter Faber, S. J., and kept him in his diocese (1542-43); after this he
was always a friend to the new order. Albert strove earnestly to introduce a ore
perfect system of religious instruction and brought forward measures for that
purpose in the Diet of Nuremberg. He became by the sincerity of his zeal the
great defender of the Faith in Germany. As a temporal prince, he ruled his
electorate well; he introduced reforms in the administration of justice, into
the police system ,and into commerce. He was buried in the Cathedral of Mainz.
An artistic memorial marks the resting-place of his remains.
ALZOG, Universal Church History,
PABISCH-BYRNE tr. (Cincinnati, 1876); ROSCOE, Life of Leo X; D'AUBIGNE, History
of Reformation in Germany and Switzerland, Eng. Tr. (Philadelphia, 1843);
SMITH, Luther and Tetzel (Cath. Truth Soc. Publication) 43; ROTHBACHER, Histoire
universelle de l'eglise catholique, IX,; PALLAVICINO, Istoria del
Concilio di Trento (Rome, 1833); ORLANDINI, Historia Soc. Jesu (Cologne,
Transcribed by Alberto Hernández Banuchi
The Catholic Encyclopedia,
Volume I
Copyright © 1907 by Robert Appleton Company
Online Edition Copyright © 1999 by Kevin Knight
Nihil Obstat, March 1, 1907. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor
Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York
it's not by chance the Cathedral of Mainz was and continues to be one of the
most popular sites of the Mary's cult in Germany. The painting Mother of All Men
was ended in 1544, a year before the Albert's death,
probably ordered by a Lombard noble friend who wanted to make him a gift.
Paintings of Lucas
Cranach the Elder:
1) Portrait of cardinal
Albrecht of Brandenburg, 1526 (detail) - Hermitage, Saint Peterburg.
2) The cardinal Albrecht
of Brandenburg as Saint
Jeronimus, 1525 - Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt.
3) The
cardinal Albrecht of
Brandenburg beneath
Crucified Jesus, 1520-1530 - Alte Pinacotheke, Munchen Germany.