the novelist

The site "Marcelli" really esists. It's in the suburb of "Numana", in Ancona's province.

shockingly appears in italian literature in October 1997 with the novel

Enter Fazi Editore's site Rape of the God

published in italian by Fazi Editore with the title "Il dio femmina stuprato nel bosco" (English literal translation: "The female god raped in the forest"). It took part in  the Premio Strega edition of '98, where gained the sixth position. It received the Thursday's Friend Milan Prize like first-novel, and obtained book reviews on several italian daily papers and weekly magazins. 

The  novel "The Rape of a God" is now translated into English and is waiting for an Anglo-American Publisher or Agent. If you are interested to see the full manuscript or part of it, please post a message to the English reviser Douglas S. Graham      


short stories...

The maid who didn't want to swallow the toad, that you can read by clicking just here, has gained the comic section of Klapka's Pipe Prize. Quiet amusing!



Currently, between an acupuncture session and the other, between a fool action and a sage thought, Stefano Marcelli is working to his second novel (with the  title "Backward Black Novel").




italian version